Stop Being Ruled by Imposter Syndrome


by Doreen Steenland  You know it well, the insecure reruns in your mind that play on repeat, and come at the most inopportune times. Thoughts like, “you don’t belong at this table”, “Sam has it

Stop Being Ruled by Imposter Syndrome2022-08-19T14:19:36+00:00

Keeping the Mental Mess in Check


By Doreen Steenland We’ve all been there!  Your co-worker says something that shakes your confidence in your competence!  Most times, you are rocking your career and motherhood, not thinking twice about that comment, but occasionally

Keeping the Mental Mess in Check2022-08-19T14:18:25+00:00

Combatting Decision Fatigue


By Doreen Steenland Decisions, decisions, decisions… seems like our brains are bombarded with decisions!  According to an article in Psychology Today, the average person makes around 35,000 decisions a day, unless you are a Working

Combatting Decision Fatigue2022-08-19T14:17:15+00:00
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