By Laura O’Reilly Stanzilis RN MSM
Need a reminder to schedule a Mammogram?
Go to this link and the American Cancer Society will send you a reminder to make a mammogram appointment!

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an opportunity to promote screening and early detection of breast cancer.

Everyone is invited to raise awareness and to encourage every woman in your life to get regular mammograms.  Many of us have been touched by breast cancer in some way during our lives. My family has, and we know how its impact changes lives forever. Though we live in a fast paced society with busy lives and hectic schedules, it is important to take time out to care. Do it for yourself and for those who care about you and depend on you. If you put off a mammogram because of COVID-19, make your appointment today!

You have a better chance of surviving breast cancer if it’s found early. Talk to a doctor about your risk for breast cancer, especially if breast or ovarian cancer runs in your family. Your health care provider can help you decide when and how often to get a mammogram.

Although certain lifestyle habits, such as, regular exercise, limiting alcohol use, maintaining a healthy weight, among others, are linked to lowering your risk of developing breast cancer, there is no sure way to prevent it. Getting regular mammograms and breast exams is important because these tests can detect breast cancer early, when it is treatable.

I do not know a soul who enjoys getting a mammo! It is uncomfortable, it takes time, and it is awkward. But it is necessary. Please schedule your next mammogram — for yourself, and for those you love.   

For more information visit the National Cancer Institute at Breast Cancer Screening (PDQ®)–Patient Version – National Cancer Institute


Laura is the Executive Director of the North Jersey Health Collaborative. She can be reached at