Lois Manzella Marchitto



  1. Holiday not a “HoliMONTH” – Holidays are singular days, not a entire month or season. All or nothing theory, why eating breakfast, exercise, sleep help avoid holiday weight gain. How to eat mindfully, cooking tips, learning real sizes and keep gaining more success.
  2. Staying Motivated-Once you get to your goal. Creating a clear picture of what you want, tackle your walls, remind yourself to be strategic, measurable, attainable, realistic and time framed. Create a celebration list. Then put the next goal/action in place.
  3. How to be F.I.T.T. At home-F.I.T.T. is a acronym for a exercise principle explaining how to exercise the best way, tips on sneaky ways to exercise at home, reminder of the stop light theory, then there are 2 mini exercise segments, one is stretch based the other is strength. There is also a Q/A segment at the end to ask any specific questions.