By Lois Manzella Marchitto

Do you HATE to jump? Like, hate it with a CAPITAL H? You are not alone. I hear this a lot from clients and friends. Maybe you have a knee injury, problems with your feet, or you don’t want to disturb your downstairs neighbors. Whatever the reason, low-impact exercises are equally beneficial to your health. What does low-impact mean? Low-impact refers to activities that do not exert a significant amount of force on your joints. This is achieved by keeping one or both feet on the ground most of the time or by supporting your entire body. Walking, riding a bicycle, and swimming are some examples of low-impact exercises, but these aren’t as easy to do in-home unless you have large equipment or a big backyard. With a simple and fun modification, you can take the impact out of moves like jumping jacks so you can put some variety back into your routine. Curious how? Check this out! The biggest benefit of a low-impact exercise is that you will keep up with a workout routine when you are more comfortable, not spending “off” days recovering from pain. Remember, PAIN = NO GAIN.

Lois Manzella Marchitto is the  Managing Director of Fitness Knocking ®. She can be reached at office 862-251-8989