By Mara Kimowitz

The hamstrings are a crucial component of walking.  They cross both the hip joint and the knee joint.  Therefore, the flexibility of the hamstrings is key in the health and mobility of both the knee and hip joints when walking.  Though the hamstrings muscles are identified often as one muscle, they are actually a combination of three separate muscles.  All three muscles, the biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus, are located on the back of your thigh.  Working together, these three muscles move both our hip and knee joints through the motions of walking.  The hamstrings are very susceptible to injury and walking can lead to tightness and discomfort.  Adding hamstrings stretches to your regular weekly walking routine will help keep your joints healthy and injury free.

Use the following stretch to loosen muscle tightness in the hamstrings:

Lateral Hamstring Stretch (stretch belt needed)

  1. Begin lying on your back with both legs straight.
  2. Place your stretch belt around your right foot.
  3. Keeping your leg straight, raise your right foot to the ceiling.
  4. Stop when you begin to feel a stretch.
  5. Adjust your arms so that your upper body is relaxed.
  6. Continue to pull on your right leg until you’ve attained a comfortable and deep stretch.
  7. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.

Repeat each side 3 times.

Mara Kimowitz is the founder and CEO of StretchSource and can be reached at