By Maria De Robertis


 This is the theme I would like to focus on in the upcoming weeks during this weight loss challenge.

What surrounds us creates a relationship in our consciousness of positive or negative influences.  Our spaces and how we work with them can deeply affect our behaviors.

This week I want to begin with how to set up a successful kitchen for healthy eating and weight loss!

Setting up your kitchen environment for successful weight loss begins with organization and accessibility to the proper channels of energy in your space.

To begin, Vastu tells us that the best location for kitchens due to the natural positioning of the  fire element  is the Southeast or Northwest of a home. That being said, you are not going to move your kitchen to another part of the house!

However, some simple Vastu techniques can begin to shift the energetics. By aligning your space and your own physical body to the healthiest directions of the Universe, you can create change.

Here are some recommendations:

  1. Cooking and eating facing East fills you with the Prana (life force) and energy of the radiant Sun. We receive healthy ultraviolet rays from that direction making us feel generally healthier and more positive.


  1. Placing a water fountain or a bowl of water on your countertop in the Northeast, North or East (in this order), connects us with the element of water that is refreshing! Fluidity is a key quality that is transmitted by the water element. It might even want to make you drink those 8 plus glasses of water each and every day!


  1. Sitting with a candle every morning in the kitchen, preferably in the Southeast of your kitchen facing East or North will ignite you to transform and feel more energetic. This is the power of the fire element on our psyche from this direction.


Writing in a journal while reflecting on the candle helps to envision how you would like to see your body change. Visualization is a great way to shift your attitude towards a healthy new way of being. Envision and transform!


  1. Organize your refrigerator with containers that are attractive and perhaps color coded to allow your consciousness structure and stability.


  1. Place fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors and textures on your countertops. This displays the earth element in your space and provides for grounding and success!


  1. Finally, use herbs and spices to stimulate the sense of smell, and that continued connection to the earth and air elements. Grow them, cook with them, love them! These inviting aromas enter your entire being! When you fill the room with the aroma of herbs and healthy spices you infuse the air element that is associated with movement, and shifts begin to happen.


Remember, “What you surround yourself with becomes your reality!”-MDR

Get ready to shed those pounds !


Maria De Robertis, Lady Vastu, is the owner of  Vastu Environments, LLC